Preferred Powder Coating is committed to producing work by using state-of-the-art equipment with emphasis on customer service. Preferred Powder Coating is a environmentally conscious company dedicated to the development and utilization of ISO 9001:2015.

Preferred strives to maintain its place as a respected local, regional, and national resource in the metal powder coating industry. We provide high-quality, cost-effective solutions for our customers. Our employees stay current with the latest methods and be encouraged to develop their skills and creativity. Preferred's top-caliber customer service will be the foundation on which continue to build and expand our business.
Environmental Preservation and Conservation - Preferred Powder exceeds the newest Minnesota phosphate regulations. Our work is done in an environmentally sensitive manner. Powder coating, unlike liquid coatings, does not produce hazardous solid waste or hazardous air pollutants. ​
Valuing Relationships - Maintaining relationships with our customers is a critically important part of our business. Relationships are built with a sense of mutual respect and courtesy focused on the needs of all.
Honesty - Preferred employees conduct themselves in an honest and trustworthy manner with all clients and fellow employees.
Employee Safety - The safety and health of our employees is critically important. We aim to have a healthy, safe workplace by providing necessary training, well-maintained equipment, and employee accountability on the job.
Teamwork - Each employee is entitled to respect their talents and are appreciated as a critical part of the Preferred team.
Being Accountable - Mistakes are treated as learning opportunities for all employees. Important information gathered from errors is tracked and scored to ensure there will not be repeatable mistakes.
Positive Attitude - Negativity is not welcome in our workplace. Employees should maintain a positive attitude in all interactions with fellow employees and our customers.
Valuing Education - Preferred Powder supports employees who choose to pursue new educational opportunities. Additional training benefits the entire company and leads to a more productive workplace.
Being Innovative - Employees are encouraged to think of new and innovative ways to improve service, cost, and quality for our customers.
Taking Initiative - Our employee's feel empowered to be self-motivated and strive to achieve goals in their professional and personal lives.
Preferred Powder Coating's success is seated in planned production methods. We offer the quickest standard turnaround in the industry. We strive for a 3-5 business day turn on all products. The majority of parts and projects leave our plant in less than 3 business days.
Preferred Powder operates out of a new 100,000 square foot purpose built plant conveniently located in the north metro area near the junction of highways 10 and 101. Built specifically for powder coating our building features a 26 foot high ceiling, 10 dock doors and 2 flat loading ramps to accommodate rapid logistics.
Preferred Powder has 3 large dock trucks we use for picking up and delivering loads of parts. If you have a full truck [approximately $2000 worth of paint] we will pick up and deliver for free. For orders under $2000 delivery can be completed for $200 each way. Please let us know your needs and we will attempt a solution that meets both party's needs.
Preferred Powder has a highly experienced and diverse work group with talents from many industries including fabrication, die casting, machining, automation, liquid painting, foundries, and welding to name a few. Being so well rounded allows us to bring a wide variety of extensive life lessons to bear on both potential problems and possible solutions. We understand how parts are manufactured which allows us to help with solutions.
Preferred Powder is currently implementing a plant with a paper free monitoring system giving all employees access to all relevant data to do the job correctly. The information includes all prints, all production data, masking and packaging information. We want all employees involved at all levels.
Preferred Powder has 2 fully robotic, fully automated lines that are mirror images of each other meeting in a large climate controlled area in the center of our plant. This climate controlled center area also holds more than 700 powders that we stock from all major powder manufacturers. The robotic lines each have a manual assist area on either side of the robotic booth to facilitate coverage as needed.
We also have a large batch area that allows us to powder coat odd sized parts too big to fit on the lines. Cleaning and titration chemical composition are the same on both our automated and batch lines.